Amy Ford, Founder of Embrace Grace
Heather is a powerhouse in the Pro-Life movement. She has a compelling message of hope and courage that will spark your attendees to ACTION. She is a great speaker that will energize your community to get involved in the movement.
Her passion is contagious!

Alan and Lisa Robertson | Duck Dynasty
Heather is also one of the most dynamic and passionate speakers we have heard. We hope and pray her innovations to increase healing and also injecting pro-love into the pro-life movement will catch fire across our country and expand to other centers.

Kirk Cameron | Actor & Speaker
Listening to Heather Lawless communicate with passion and precision about the value of life stirred my soul. She's doing "pro-life" the right way; Love, Compassion, Action.
Like a pillar of fire in the wilderness, I believe Heather will lead many out of a culture of death and darkness and into the land of light and life.